And Then He Built A Home For Her

Posted: April 30, 2018 by *Marigold* in Poetry, Reflections

My mother and father
Married young
Were perfectly balanced
Like moon and sun
Where others have failed
They have prevailed
And then he built her a home

My mother and father
Unlike some I won’t mention
Are experts on each other
And argument prevention
Where others haven’t cared
They have dared
And still he builds her a home

My mother and father
Respect one another
When I see couples who don’t
I try not to be bothered
Where others have waived
They haven’t caved
And they make our house a home

My mother and father
Are safe in their sphere
Cemented in the life they made
And for my family I do not fear
Where others have survived
They have thrived
Every day they build us a home


Reckless Love

Posted: April 27, 2018 by rsparks222 in Poetry
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Reckless Love

His child-like, ridiculous love

Utterly unconcerned with the consequences

Not craft or slick

Not cunning or shrewd

He put himself on the line

So he could leave the ninety-nine

Why does he leave the ninety-nine?

To find the one

To find you

Reckless Love

His never-ending, everlasting love

To the practical adult, he is foolish

Not selfish or self-serving

Does not consider himself first

Our sins break his heart

Seventy times seven times

Yet he let’s us back in

He let’s the one back in

He let’s you back in

Reckless Love

Reckless Love

The Reckless Love of God


Posted: April 27, 2018 by reaganlyle in Poetry
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The wind moves through the trees

the same way your voice goes through my head.

And I could crumble like an autumn leaf

every time you look my way.

But winter soon comes,

and a warm breeze turns frigid,

now your words sting my skin.

We were on fire

but now it’s all ash, dark stains smeared across my heart.

I was never yours

and you weren’t really mine.

Saying I miss you tastes like the iron running

through my veins,

and tears blur my vision when you say my name.

Just like the fleeting seasons,

we weren’t meant to last,

though that truth makes saying goodbye no easier.


My Family

Posted: April 27, 2018 by trianglesandhearts in Poetry
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Must be a super

Only she could fix this now

Maybe she was right


Does he really know

Actually really funny

Definitely cool


She is annoying

I actually like her now

She really helps me

Though three of them is better

Always together in heart



Posted: April 27, 2018 by Ashton O’Connor in Poetry

the yard was

overgrown now – full

of weeds

(and brush)

taking over

the light



never seeing the




disrupting matted

vines (entangled) –



on the


time is kind

until the


sun sets

moon rises



The. World. Is. Wrong.

Posted: April 27, 2018 by ilovepurple1121 in Poetry
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by Sophie

Conforming to the world around me
Would be considered a sin.
But it’s hard to go against the world-
Always has, always been.
Wanting to fade into the background
Isn’t a Christian calling.
But it’s so hard to share my faith
When everyone and everything is bottom line appalling.

Everyone is fake-
They say things they don’t believe
Because their status is at stake.
This isn’t a way to live.
My thoughts, I’d like to give-
One’s reputation isn’t important.
I know that I could live without
Hearing what people think of me.
But judgement is a scary thing
And you have a lot to lose.
And soon enough, you’ll lose it all,
When the laughter gets pointed at you.

Acceptance is addicting-
We care what people think.
We do things we don’t believe is right
Then we feel convicting.
It isn’t easy to ignore
Is keeps us up at night.
Keep ignoring it though,
For it’ll become less of a fight.

Ignore your instincts,
For they are wrong
Is what you have been told.
But your life was made to be more,
Your future- the Father does hold.
Do not listen to the world,
For it will do you wrong.
Get some courage to stand up,
In God you will be strong.
Who cares what people will think.
Who cares what people say.
For the day will come when you will stand before the King.
So these earthly pleasures are irrelevant-
When standing before Christ,
you will find that the importance of life,
and what it really meant.


First My Mother, Forever My Friend

Posted: April 27, 2018 by nataliegrace1115 in Miscellany
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When I first opened my eyes, she was there, smiling at me. Her face so gentle and kind, and her skin so soft against mine. She knew my cry, and I knew her voice. She was mine, and I belonged to her. She fed and clothed me, comforted and calmed me. She held me in the thunderstorms and whispered to me as I slept. She painted my nails and curled my hair. She was my adoring audience when I descended the stairs in a princess dress.

She taught me to read, write, and sing, our home always filled with her joy. She would bring me on her adventures, and her focus was only on me. She took me shopping and out for treats, always reminding me not to eat too many sweets. I thought that my relationship with her was perfect, little did I know it could be better.

Now she is my best friend, training me to be on my own. We still go shopping, but now I pay, treating her to a fun day out. She still comforts me, more frequently than before, and she mends all of my wounds-outside and in. We talk for hours on end, never wanting the moment to fade. We have ice cream and movie nights when we need each other the most.

She is my number one fan, always cheering me on, and she is there when I fall, to pick me up again. She has taught me so many things, but it never seems enough. It doesn’t seem like I’m ready to fly away on my own. Does that day ever have to come? Can I break the rules? Can’t I always stay by her loving side?

As the transition draws nearer we come closer together, dreading the inevitable and not wanting our time to end. I love her so dearly, and I know we’ll always be together, because first she was my mother, but she will forever be my friend.


Posted: April 27, 2018 by daphne3100 in Poetry
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I feel like
Everything I say is being weighed and measured –
It’s unsettling.

Imagine walking on glass
Only on your toes, and if you step on your heels,
Game over, glass shattered.

This is my predicament
Except with words (no toes involved) –
Glass words about to tear me apart.

Fragile lips speak softly,
Kindly, never messing up,
Until the shards rip them apart, too.

People watch from all directions,
Examining my speech,
Crowding around me until I can’t breathe.

Carefully stepping around words,
Only on toes,
Only with lips.

Concussion and Percussion

Posted: April 27, 2018 by titanxp in Poetry

Concussions they go on hurting

Percussion’s are load and go on squeaking

yet through your life you go on believing .


Life is fun until your life goes.

Then your true colors show

then you know what your heart already knows.


One day you will see

how your life will truly be

and you will see who helped you be you

and me, me.

Through a concussion or some percussion.

you might finally start to understand

why your life has a plan

and who was that person who helped you be grand.



Posted: October 23, 2017 by WaywardDaughter in Poetry
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Apples to apples, heart to heart,

Touch the surface, watch the ripples.

Move a heart, invoke a laugh,

Create a movement to better us all.

We go through life, for just a short while,

Hoping to maybe make a ripple in the universe,

But still do what we wish

Hoping juggling will work.

But how does it ever? Don’t we fail?

We try to juggle school and friends,

Work and family,

Kids and activities and just all of life.

We struggle to be the model citizen

But still make ends meet and stay sane.

Sanity is the problem, isn’t it?

A “normality” forcing us into a box?

DARE to be different.

DARE to do things your way.

DARE to show the world you deserve love

Despite your non-cookie-cutter shape.

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”